06 July 2008


News roundup

Team WKCV, which is normally spread out across the globe, has regrouped in Bangkok to do some additional filming (and to work face-to-face for a change). Well, not the entire team but at least Brad, Rich and Jeffrey.

The latter two will return to the U.S. later this month to await news from various funders, including the Sundance Doc Fund and ITVS, which funds the development of programming for public TV in the US.

What's especially encouraging about the ITVS application is that we're partnering in applying with WGBH Boston, and they had some pretty nice things to say about our project, for example:
The film is raw and it is real. Both horrific and tender, it captures the human experience at its most vulnerable moments. Who Killed Chea Vichea? is a transparent, "uncomfortable" story that makes us look at what we don't want to see and raises important questions about power and justice.
Thanks go out to several people for their help and advice on these applications, including Sarah T. and our grants coordinator Caroline Leopold. While I'm thanking people, I should also mention our crack translating team in southern California, headed by Jason Roberts. It's a tough job and we're glad Jason's doing it!



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